Be A Resource: Affinity & Alliance Groups - The Episcopal School of Dallas | Best Private Schools in Dallas

We are looking for ESD alumni who would be willing to serve as a resource to student affinity and alliance groups at ESD.

ESD Board


We are excited to be able to offer alumni the opportunity to support our current students and members of our affinity and alliance groups and are eager to partner with you on this important work. If you would like to be a resource to one or many of our student groups, please complete the form below. When you fill out the form, your contact information will be shared with the sponsor(s) of the group(s) you indicated you'd like to be a resource for. Thank you for supporting our community. 


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To learn more about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at ESD and our supporting Affinity/Alliance Groups, Clubs, and Programs at ESD, please tap here.