Emotional Wellness - The Episcopal School of Dallas | Best Private Schools in Dallas

ESD incorporates a variety of emotional wellness programming into the curriculum.

We are fortunate to have licensed psychologists and counselors on staff and available to our students, parents, and faculty/staff. The primary responsibility of our counselors is to provide emotional and social guidance and support for the school community in an effort to promote an exceptional environment for learning, social responsibility, and childhood development.

Developmental differences among students help to define the roles and responsibilities of counselors at each division level, but the primary responsibilities of the school counselor include (1) provision of direct, short-term counseling services, (2) consultation with administration and faculty, (3) wellness education for students, faculty/staff, and parents, (4) serving as chairperson of the ABC (Addressing Behaviors of Concern) team, a multi-disciplinary team whose efforts focus on assisting and supporting students with specific challenges, and (5) serving as a liaison amongst the school, students, parents, and outside professionals in order to help each student achieve his or her full potential at ESD.