Introducing Lukas Edward Henry: Certified Therapy Dog

October 9, 2024

The Episcopal School of Dallas (ESD) is beyond excited to introduce a new staff member, but this employee looks a little different—he has four legs and really big paws! Lukas Edward Henry will be joining ESD as a certified therapy dog. Lukas has experienced a warm welcome from students, faculty, staff, and families as he joins ESD’s efforts to support our students’ emotional wellness.

Head of Security, Jody Trumble has spent more than a year training and preparing Lukas to complete his certification and testing as a therapy dog. Lukas started his therapy dog training at nine weeks old. Through the Alliance of Therapy Dogs (ATD), a nationwide training program, Officer Trumble completed an application, background check, certified tests with trainers, and three supervised field tests.

During Lukas’ field tests, he visited Home Depot, which provided an active environment with multiple noises and various types of interaction. He also made two medical visits to rehabilitation hospitals for elderly individuals. The ATD-certified trainers monitored Lukas through all these field tests, eventually reviewing his performance, signing off on his certification, and accrediting Lukas as a therapy dog.

Research from Frontiers in Veterinary Science suggests that implementing therapy dogs into educational environments can reduce high stress levels, ultimately leading to more positive emotions in individuals, better engagement in learning material, and stronger student social interactions. Dr. Cara Holmes, Director of Emotional Wellness and Learning Support Services, affirms that integrating a therapy dog into ESD can provide emotional support and comfort to students by promoting a nurturing environment. 

“Lukas radiates calmness and joy,” said Dr. Holmes. “He lives on campus, and his regular visits to classrooms integrate him into the community.”

Officer Trumble further explained Lukas’ involvement with ESD by illustrating a walk across campus. “If it takes me five minutes to walk across campus, then it would take me 30 minutes with Lukas because of how many times the kids will stop us to love on him.” 

Officer Trumble and Dr. Holmes agree that Lukas will positively impact the ESD community by decreasing stress, making people smile, helping people make bonds, instilling confidence in students, and fostering strong social skills in younger students. Yet the best part of our newest addition is that students get to have a relationship with Lukas and know him as their own. 

At first glance, he may be a Bernese Mountain Dog, but Lukas is definitely an Eagle at heart!